Writing At Risk: A Lyric Essay

  • Writing At Risk: A Lyric Essay

Writing at Risk: A Lyric Essay combines poetry, memoir, essay with references and impassioned rant to address questions about daring to write our unvarnished truths and how much we need to do so. First published in 1993, this update includes an introduction putting it in present day context and a glossary.

(This listing is for the print edition. For the e-book edition - priced at £4 - please go to https://tinyurl.com/writingatriskebook )

"Reading “Writing at Risk” is an extraordinary experience – after a thoughtful, measured introduction that sets the scene of early 90s queer-feminist activism, paganism, and independent publishing, you’re plunged headlong into a screed that seems both a maelstrom of stream-of-consciousness writing, and elegant craft. It’s poetry – and not – polemic – and not – magic and meaning and marvel. While bobbing through this wild, ecstatic flow, you are dragged into whirlpools of spiraling lyricism, buoyed by joy and rage, and plummeted into pools of deep sadness."
Fay Roberts

"An inspiring and vivid account of belonging and unbelonging that feels as important and relevant now as when it was written. I was sideswiped both by the impact of the experiences described and the artistry of the way it was written."
Sam Hope

"Breathtaking in its scope and enrapturing in its lyrical articulacy, “Writing At Risk” shows what can be achieved when a writer dares take that risk - of asking the difficult questions; of admitting that you don't (and might never) know the answers - and, in so doing, it accomplishes something akin to an alchemical miracle. At once both bold and humble, justly proud yet devoid of bombast, Writing At Risk owns its fears and sings its hope from every page. It's also a bloody good read."
Ken Cumberlidge

"When I read it, it hurts. So many truths left unspoken over the years, to save my/our feelings, at the cost of somebody else. So many assumptions made. But although it hurts, I feel privileged and relieved, to be told these truths."
Anne Holloway